during harvest we really find out what we lost by not waiting for drier conditions, fixing small issues, or making sure our spacing is correct, etc. It's amazing to see how much just little mundane things will affect the outcome of our crops.
I love the speech from Any Given Sunday where Al Pacino talks about how the little things make a huge difference in the outcome of life and in the game. Agriculture has a lot to do with this quote. In the pursuit of more yield we can forget the little things that lay the ground work for that payday. My focus has always been those little details that we focus on.
While some may recommend products to fix issues, paying attention to details and having a plan going into the season is a far better approach. We spend a large chunk of the winter talking about tillage, planter setup, and soil conditions for a reason. Our goals should always be higher than what we are currently doing, and there are ways to get there. While products can make a difference in how our crop comes out in the end, there is always a cost associated with them. Sometimes making little tweaks, or stopping to fix issues can benefit us by only a minor time investment. That's our focus, taking the time to understand what we are doing that could be changed easily to gain those bushels at minimal cost. So instead of products, spend your time to dial in your agronomy. Those are the inches you can gain that maybe can get you to your goal.